How old is Danny Coulombe? When is Danny Coulombe's birthday? Where is Danny Coulombe born? Where did Danny Coulombe grow up from? What's Danny Coulombe's age?
Danny Coulombe Born: 1989 (age 34years), St. Louis, MO
How about Danny Coulombe's strikeout?
Danny Coulombe Strikeout: 237
How about Danny Coulombe's education?
Danny Coulombe Education: South Mountain Community College, Chaparral High School
How about Danny Coulombe's team?
Danny Coulombe Team: Baltimore Orioles (#54 / Pitcher)
How tall is Danny Coulombe in meters or centimeters?
Danny Coulombe Height: 5 10
How about Danny Coulombe's salary?
Danny Coulombe Salary: 507,500 USD (2016)
How did the Orioles get Danny Coulombe?
On March 27, 2023, Coulombe was traded to the Baltimore Orioles in exchange for cash considerations. He earned his first career save on July 16 against the Miami Marlins, surrendering a run on two hits in 2\u20443 of an inning to seal the 5\u20134 victory. Coulombe enjoyed the strongest season of his career in 2023.