How old is Brian Robinson Jr.? When is Brian Robinson Jr.'s birthday? Where is Brian Robinson Jr. born? Where did Brian Robinson Jr. grow up from? What's Brian Robinson Jr.'s age?

Brian Robinson Jr. Born: March 22, 1999 (age 24years), Tuscaloosa, Alabama, United States

How about Brian Robinson Jr.'s receiv_yard?

Brian Robinson Jr. Receiv_yard: 60

How about Brian Robinson Jr.'s team?

Brian Robinson Jr. Team: Washington Commanders (#8 / Running back)

How tall is Brian Robinson Jr. in meters or centimeters?

Brian Robinson Jr. Height: 1.85m

How about Brian Robinson Jr.'s receiv_touchdown?

Brian Robinson Jr. Receiv_touchdown: 1

How about Brian Robinson Jr.'s school?

Brian Robinson Jr. School: The University of Alabama

How about Brian Robinson Jr.'s picked date?

Brian Robinson Jr. Picked date: 2022 (Washington Commanders)

How many rushing yards does Brian Robinson Jr have?

STATSATT Rushing AttemptsYDS Rushing Yards
Regular Season205797

Who is #8 on the Commanders?

Brian Robinson | 'I just try to stick to the routine that works for me'

When was Brian Robinson Jr born?

(born March 22, 1999) is an American football running back for the Washington Commanders of the National Football League (NFL). He played college football at Alabama, where he was a two-time national champion before being selected by the Commanders in the third round of the 2022 NFL Draft.
